AgroApps 360°

AgroApps 360o is a crop monitoring and management system. It provides personalized recommendations, advice and alerts before and during the growing season. AgroApps 360o delivers simple, reliable and actionable information that takes into account the special needs of each crop.

The system enables farmers, agricultural consultants and agrifood companies to utilize a collection of data leading to wiser and better-informed decisions. In addition, it helps stakeholders to reduce operational and production costs, as well as CO2 emissions resulting from their agricultural activities, which makes new levels of financial and environmental sustainability possible.


Make timely decisions about your fields

AgroApps 360o collects and processes data from satellite and meteorological sources, in situ and IoT devices, while it supports interconnectivity with different farming systems and agricultural machinery, so as to provide more accurate information.











High Resolution Weather Forecast

High Resolution Weather Forecast

AgroApps 360o provides high resolution 7-day weather forecast, as well as warnings for extreme meteorological phenomena. This service provides almost-real time information about conditions that affect sowing, germination, spraying, fertilization, irrigation and harvest and helps farmers timely schedule their farming practices with effective results.

Crop Growth Monitoring

Crop Growth Monitoring

AgroApps 360o records the NDVI vegetation index illustrating field areas with non-homogeneous growth. Monitoring NDVI throughout the growing season along with farmers’ experience and agricultural consultants’ knowledge helps tackle unpredictable situations, such as problems with germination, nutrients availability, irrigation, or pest and diseases.

Pest and Disease Alerts

Pest and Disease Alerts

AgroApps 360o alerts about the possibility of pest attacks and disease outbreaks to crops. Alerts are based on prevailing meteorological conditions and weather forecast. With this service, farmers can take the necessary measures at the appropriate time to limit preventive interventions and reduce production costs.

Spraying Conditions

Spraying Conditions

AgroApps 360o assesses weather parameters affecting spraying and presents the ideal, as well as the prohibitive days and timeframes. Sound planning saves farmers from wasting time on repeating tasks, while it ensures effective and efficient spraying, so as to protect crops and achieve higher quality products.

Irrigation Scheduling

Irrigation Scheduling

AgroApps 360o calculates water balance, based on the daily crop water loss and the water received from rain and irrigation. The service helps farmers to decide on the optimal irrigation interval and water amount in order to cover crop needs, save water and energy, while preserving natural resources.

Fertilization Management

Fertilization Management

Farmers can then apply fertilizers targeting specific zones based on the nutrient demands of crops. Targeted fertilization in the right amount ensures optimal crop growth, reduces production costs and protects the environment.

Yield Estimation

Yield Estimation

AgroApps 360o provides a spatial estimate of yield with high accuracy up to a month before harvest. To produce this information the system takes into account soil properties, weather conditions and the applied agricultural practices. Information about crop yield before harvest is important for the supply chain and helps stakeholders to better organize post-harvest management related activities.

Tillage Scheduling

Tillage Scheduling

AgroApps 360o informs about optimal, good, moderate or bad tillage conditions based on soil moisture. This ensures an effective tillage scheduling, before and during the growing season. Tillage performed on the appropriate soil moisture levels leads to proper field preparation for sowing, prevents soil compaction, and reduces fuel consumption.

Crop Calendar

Crop Calendar

AgroApps 360o provides an easy-to-use crop calendar, where farmers can keep a record of all the activities they perform in the field, upload photos and keep various notes. With this service farmers can have a detailed overview of all their farming practices per crop and growing season.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Carbon Dioxide Emissions

AgroApps 360o calculates the CO2 emissions of every farming operation performed within a field for a growing season per hectare and kilogram of product. The information provided by the service helps farmers design more sustainable cultivation plans, in order to reduce their environmental footprint, improve soil management and save energy.

Tailor-made solutions that meet your needs

We focus on your special needs and recommend solutions that drive your business forward. Having an experienced team with high level of expertise, we invest a great deal of effort in research and advanced technologies; this enables us to design sustainable solutions for every farmer, enterprise, public or private agency active in digital farming.

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